A House Blessing

A House Blessing

As mentioned in my blog I have put up a house blessing Courtesy of the Isle of Wight Druids 

(In Front Garden)


By Star and Stone

By the power of the Land within and without

By all that is fair and free

Welcome to this rite of House Blessing in the Grove of the Peaceful Earth.

Together we stand

With the Earth beneath us

With the Sky above us

With the Sea around us

Blessed Be

And so, with each of us now fully present in the moment, I ask you to join me in the Druid Prayer for Peace:

Deep within the still centre of my being, may I find peace.

Silently within the quiet of the grove, may I share peace.

Gently within the greater circle of humankind May I radiate peace.


Walk to the North:  May there be peace in the North

Walk to the South:  May there be peace in the South

Walk to the West:  May there be peace in the West

Walk to the East:  May there be peace in the East

May there be peace in this place and throughout the whole world


Ask the assembled company to form a circle and join hands to chant the Awen (three times),


Awen, Power of inspiration, attend to us.

Voice of the fire of wisdom,

Voice of the well of inspiration,

Come into our hearts.

Make us aware of every good or ill.

O Spirit, guide our rite in the way of truth.

I ask you to make our hearts clear within us,

Awen, Power of inspiration in this blessed place,

Awen, Power of inspiration at this blessed time.


DRUID  - On this day we gather to bless and protect this house and all residing herein.

Earth Mother, our foundation, living and strong, we honour you this day and ask for your blessing on our rite.

Sky Father, our warmth and light, we honour you this day and ask for your blessing on our rite.

Blessed Ancestors, we honour you this day and ask for your blessing on our rite.

Spirits of the Natural World, Spirits of this place, we honour you this day. Be at peace with us and we ask for your blessing on our rite.

We ask that this house may be founded

On the goodness of Mother Earth.

May the walls of this house be blessed

By the four winds of the heavens.

May the roof of this house be guarded

By the heights of the stars above.

So that all who live in this house,

All who seek shelter in this house,

All who strive, protected by this house,

Find hope and strength to live,

Find love and joy to give,

Find purpose and meaning in their destiny.


(At front door)



By the front door will be a small table with a unlit candle (fire), a bowl of water with some salt in it (water and earth) and a smug stick (air).

DRUID  blesses the Elements with the sign of the Awen and after dipping finger in water, draws the sign of the Awen on the door lintel.

May this house and family be under the protection of the Earth Mother and Sky Father. Banished are all malevolent spirits and disruptive forces.

Earth Mother, Sky Father, revered Ancestors, Good and kindly Spirits of this hearth and home Watch over all who dwell herein. Protect them from harm and fear. We trust in you to keep safe All that they hold dear to heart.

(Enter House – Druid takes candle, takes water and house owner takes smug stick. Go to Sitting Room)

House Dedication & Candle Lighting:

We dedicate this home to love and understanding.

May its joys and sorrows be shared and the individuality of each person who lives and visits here appreciated.

We dedicate this home to work, to rest and play.

May this home have joy and high fellowship, with kindness in its voices and laughter running within its walls.

We dedicate this home to friendly life.

May its doors open in hospitality and its windows look out with kindness toward other homes.

We dedicate this home to cooperation.

May its duties be performed in love and its table remind us that the Earth Mother and Sky Father work with us for the supply of daily needs.

We dedicate this home to the appreciation of all things good and true. May the books bring wisdom, the pictures symbolize things beautiful, and the music bring joy and inspiration.

We Light this candle to love

We Light this candle to joy

We Light this candle to friendship

We Light this candle to cooperation

We Light this candle to appreciation

(DRUID lights candle; House owner lights smug stick)

As the flame point upward, so our thoughts rise in gratitude to the Earth Mother and Sky Father for this home, and their blessings upon it.

May this home be blessed.

May good fortune follow those who pass through this door, safe journeys for those who go forth, and safe hearth for those who enter.

May this floor lighten the steps of all who tread upon its surface and provide a stable place to stand.

May these walls soak in the rich sounds of laughter and loving, hung with art and memories, protection from the fiercest winds.

May this roof hold strong and these roots sink deep. This is home, a place of safety and joy, a place to rest and to create, a place to be.

May this home be blessed."

(DRUID takes candle to one corner, House owner takes lit smug stick to another corner, another person takes salted water in bowl and stands by DRUID (this is repeated in each room))


Earth Mother, Sky Father, may this room always be a place of joy and harmony. May all find here relaxation and merriment, good company and love, reflection and understanding.

With these elements of Earth, Water, Fire and Air I purify and bless this room. May there for ever be Peace and Love in this place.

(DRUID sprinkles a few drops of water on the floor and makes the sign of the Awen)

The householder says

Earth Mother, Sky Father, revered Ancestors, Good Spirits of the Natural World and this place, you are ever welcome in this house.

(All say) - Blessed be


Earth Mother, Sky Father, you give us rain and fruitful seasons satisfying us with good food and wine to gladden our hearts. Blessed are you for these gifts from your bounty which we receive. May our hearts be thankful, may we always have room for a guest. May we ever be grateful for all your gifts and mindful of the needs of others.

With these elements of Earth, Water, Fire and Air I purify and bless this room. May there for ever be Peace and Love in this place.

(DRUID sprinkles a few drops of water on the floor and makes the sign of the Awen)

The householder says

Earth Mother, Sky Father, revered Ancestors, Good Spirits of the Natural World and this place, you are ever welcome in this house.

(All say) - Blessed be


Earth Mother, Sky Father, may this office ever be a place of reflection and awareness, of knowledge and understanding, of good purpose and creativity.

With these elements of Earth, Water, Fire and Air I purify and bless this room. May there for ever be Peace and Love in this place.

(DRUID sprinkles a few drops of water on the floor and makes the sign of the Awen)

The householder says

Earth Mother, Sky Father, revered Ancestors, Good Spirits of the Natural World and this place, you are ever welcome in this house.

(All say) - Blessed be


Earth Mother, Sky Father, may you bless and keep safe in your love all who pass through this hall and climb these stairs to their rest.

With these elements of Earth, Water, Fire and Air I purify and bless this room. May there for ever be Peace and Love in this place.

(DRUID sprinkles a few drops of water on the floor and makes the sign of the Awen)

The householder says

Earth Mother, Sky Father, revered Ancestors, Good Spirits of the Natural World and this place, you are ever welcome in this house.

(All say) - Blessed be


Earth Mother, Sky Father, we thank you and the fruitful earth for the bounty you so loving bestow on us through the ever turning circle of the year. May the food that is prepared here in love be ever blessed and nourish all with goodness. May they be ever grateful for your loving gifts.

With these elements of Earth, Water, Fire and Air I purify and bless this room. May there for ever be Peace and Love in this place.

(DRUID sprinkles a few drops of water on the floor and makes the sign of the Awen)

The householder says

Earth Mother, Sky Father, revered Ancestors, Good Spirits of the Natural World and this place, you are ever welcome in this house.

(All say) - Blessed be


Earth Mother, Sky Father, we thank you for your gifts of the pure rain, the bounty of the fruitful earth and the warmth of fire and air through which we may be cleansed and enjoy good health in your loving care. With these elements of Earth, Water, Fire and Air I purify and bless this room. May there for ever be Peace and Love in this place.

(DRUID sprinkles a few drops of water on the floor and makes the sign of the Awen)

The householder says

Earth Mother, Sky Father, revered Ancestors, Good Spirits of the Natural World and this place, you are ever welcome in this house.

(All say) - Blessed be


The group moves to each bedroom in turn.

Earth Mother, Sky Father, may this be a blessed place for all who may sleep here. May they know your loving presence, find rest for their fatigue, and peace for their anxiety. Guide them waking and guard them sleeping that awake they may live in your love and asleep may rest in your peace.

With these elements of Earth, Water, Fire and Air I purify and bless this room. May there for ever be Peace and Love in this place.

(DRUID sprinkles a few drops of water on the floor and makes the sign of the Awen)

The householder says

Earth Mother, Sky Father, revered Ancestors, Good Spirits of the Natural World and this place, you are ever welcome in this house.

(All say) - Blessed be


Earth Mother, Sky Father, may this room be blessed.

With these elements of Earth, Water, Fire and Air I purify and bless this room. May there for ever be Peace and Love in this place.

(DRUID sprinkles a few drops of water on the floor and makes the sign of the Awen)

The householder says

Earth Mother, Sky Father, revered Ancestors, Good Spirits of the Natural World and this place, you are ever welcome in this house.

(All say) - Blessed be


Blessed are you Earth Mother and Sky Father for the gift of the rain, the rivers, the lakes and the seas. You give water for life and health to refresh and cleanse all that dwell in your loving care.

With these elements of Earth, Water, Fire and Air I purify and bless this room. May there for ever be Peace and Love in this place.

(DRUID sprinkles a few drops of water on the floor and makes the sign of the Awen)

The householder says

Earth Mother, Sky Father, revered Ancestors, Good Spirits of the Natural World and this place, you are ever welcome in this house.

(All say) - Blessed be


Earth Mother, Sky Father, may this garden be ever fruitful and abundant in bringing forth the blossoms of plants and the good nourishment of vegetables and fruit from trees and bushes, each according to its kind. And in their growing and dying will come forth the seed that is the certainty of rebirth which is your loving gift. May this garden always be a place of relaxation and pleasure for all and a place of serenity and peace in your love.

With these elements of Earth, Water, Fire and Air I purify and bless this garden. May there for ever be Peace and Love in this place.

(DRUID sprinkles a few drops of water on the ground and makes the sign of the Awen)

The householder says

Earth Mother, Sky Father, revered Ancestors, Good Spirits of the Natural World and this place, you are ever welcome in this garden.

(All say) - Blessed be

(Return to Sitting Room)

DRUID We offer our thanks to the Earth Mother, to the Sky Father, to our revered Ancestors and to the Spirits of the Natural World and this place and we bless you for your presence, guidance and inspiration in our rite today.

May you always bless this house and all who live here, filling this dwelling with an ambiance of peace, prosperity, health, happiness, harmony and love. May this house always shine with blessed light and beauty and provide a warm, comfortable haven from the world. May only beings that are kind-hearted and well-intentioned enter here. May nature's spirits feel welcome and live with us as friends. May all who enter here receive what they need, and feel richly blessed with their heart's desires.

(Extinguish Candle)

DRUID May the Blessings of the Earth Mother and Sky Father be with us always. I declare this rite of House Blessing closed in the apparent world. May its inspiration live on within our beings.

Love and Every Blessing.

And thank you all so much for sharing with us. /|\