Samhain Ritual

This Ritual took place on top of Pitstone Hill again, after dancing sundown with my lovely Morris side New Moon Morris.
It was extremely windy and quite a chilly afternoon too. For this particular ceremony I had to cut it down to avoid people getting cold and blown away (off of the hill and not in a good way)
Casting and Consecrating the Circle
I walked the perimeter of the cast circle smoke cleansing it saying "May this circle be purified and blessed with the element of Fire"
I then walked the perimeter of the cast circle with water cleansing it saying "May this circle be purified and blessed with the element of Water"
The Welcome
By the powers of Star and Stone
By the powers of the land within and without
By all that's free and fair
I welcome you to this Rite of Samhain
I am Druid
I believe in and celebrate the spirituality of all life
I am one with the community of the natural world
And the ever-flowing tide of the seasons
I honour all, Past, Present, and future
My life is a journey
Of Spiritual awakening, inspiration and wisdom through the awen, the flowing spirit.
We have travelled from the North, South, East and West to be here together tonight (form a circle)
We start by taking three deep breaths
The first is for the earth beneath our feet
The second is for the sky above our heads
The third is for the seas and rivers that surround us
Peace to the Quarters
We turn to face the North, raising our right hands in the air
May there be peace in the North.
We turn to face the South, raising our right hands in the air
May there be peace in the South.
We turn to face the West, raising our right hands in the air
May there be peace in the West.
We turn to face the East, raising our right hands in the air
May there be peace in the East.
May there be peace throughout the whole world.
I then recited the Druids Prayer and chanted three Awens
(Once this has been done I then opened the Quarters.)
Opening the Quarters
I walked around the circle sun wise to the East, I raised my hands in the air concentrating on opening a gateway and said " To the spirits and the Guardians of the East, to the element of Air, I invite you into this circle and ask for your guidance and protection throughout this ceremony. Hail and Welcome"
I walked around the circle sun wise to the South, I raised my hands in the air concentrating on opening a gateway and said " To the spirits and the Guardians of the South, to the element of Fire, I invite you into this circle and ask for your guidance and protection throughout this ceremony. Hail and Welcome"
I walked around the circle sun wise to the West, I raised my hands in the air concentrating on opening a gateway and said " To the spirits and the Guardians of the West, to the element of Water, I invite you into this circle and ask for your guidance and protection throughout this ceremony. Hail and Welcome"
I walked around the circle sun wise to the North, I raised my hands in the air concentrating on opening a gateway and said " To the spirits and the Guardians of the North, to the element of Earth, I invite you into this circle and ask for your guidance and protection throughout this ceremony. Hail and Welcome"
I then stood at the centre of the circle, I raised my hands in the air concentrating on opening the gateway and said " To the spirits of this place and the Guardians and Ancestors that walked this earth before us, I invite you into this circle and ask for your guidance and protection throughout this ceremony. Hail and Welcome"
The Rite
I then performed the Rite.
At this turning of the wheel, we think about the ending of one year and the beginning of the next, as Druid’s and Pagan’s we look at Samhain as the start of the new year. It is a time when the veil to the other world is at its thinnest and as such, we pay particular attention to remembering all those that have gone before us and all those that are yet to come.
We remember this as the third and final harvest, a time when the last of the fruits and berries are gathered in to store and save for the long cold winter months ahead.
And so, as I stand with all my ancestors, the Earth Mother, who in spring was Maiden, in Summer was Mother, who now becomes the Crone, personified as the Cailleach, without her process of destruction and decay, the Earth would be barren of all life.
I call to the Cailleach to bring forth the North wind, scour the Earth, strip the branches of their leaves, cleanse the Autumn debris and allow the soil to be fertilised. Protect the dormant seeds with a covering of frost and ice as they are protected in the Earth’s womb.
Blessed be the Cailleach.
Closing the Ceremony
To close the ceremony I started off by reciting the Druids Vow
"I swear by peace and Love to stand, Heart to Heart and Hand in Hand
Mark oh Spirits and hear me now, confirming this my sacred vow."
This was followed by chanting three Awens
I then stood at the centre of the circle, I raised my hands in the air concentrating on closing the gateway and said " To the spirits of this place and the Guardians and Ancestors that walked this earth before us, I invite you to now leave this circle and thank for your guidance and protection throughout this ceremony. Hail and Farewell"
I then walked around the circle anticlockwise to the North, I raised my hands in the air concentrating on closing the gateway and said " To the spirits and the Guardians of the North, to the element of Earth, I invite you to now leave this circle and thank for your guidance and protection throughout this ceremony. Hail and Farewell"
I then walked around the circle anticlockwise to the West, I raised my hands in the air concentrating on closing the gateway and said " To the spirits and the Guardians of the West, to the element of Water, I invite you to now leave this circle and thank for your guidance and protection throughout this ceremony. Hail and Farewell"
I then walked around the circle anticlockwise to the South, I raised my hands in the air concentrating on closing the gateway and said " To the spirits and the Guardians of the South, to the element of Fire, I invite you to now leave this circle and thank for your guidance and protection throughout this ceremony. Hail and Farewell"
I then walked around the circle anticlockwise to the East, I raised my hands in the air concentrating on closing the gateway and said " To the spirits and the Guardians of the East, to the element of Air, I invite you to now leave this circle and thank for your guidance and protection throughout this ceremony. Hail and Farewell"
I then told everyone:
In Folklore it was said that the all of the hearths in the village were allowed to die down to signify the ending of the year, the Druid would light a sacred fire in the centre of the village from which everyone would take a spark to rekindle their fires in their homes to warm them through the winter nights.
I then said:
As it is so windy and everyone had come from so far this wouldn’t be possible, so I would like you to all see this ceremony as my sacred Samhain fire and I would like you all to take a piece of this ceremony with you to warm your hearts for the coming dark nights.
I then announced that the Ceremony was now over and thanked everyone for coming along.